
Visiting Teaching Reminder and Announcements


One more week to complete October Visiting Teaching! Don't forget to report to your supervisor. She needs to get a call from you, whether or not you visited this month.

A Red Cross Blood Drive sign up sheet was passed around. If you didn't have the chance to sign up, and would like to, contact Lael for details.

We will be playing volleyball this Wednesday, at 7 pm at the 15th/16th ward building. Coed volleyball is at 8 pm.

We had a excellent lesson by Sister Casperson this week on Elder Eyring's Ensign talk, "Help Them On Their Way Home." We talked about how Heavenly Father set up a system of rescuers in life to help us on our way. This system is not limited to the atonement. We all have a calling to help rescue those in need, especially in the formative young years in life.

"Of all the help we can give these young people, the greatest will be to let them feel our confidence that they are on the path home to God and that they can make it. And we do that best by going with them. Because the path is steep and sometimes rocky, they will at times feel discouraged and even stumble. They may at times become confused about their destination and wander after less eternally important goals. These inspired programs make that less likely because they will lead the young person to invite and receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost."

Have a great week!

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