
River Walk, Cobbler & Breakfast!!

July 22nd: Relief Society Enrichment.  We're inviting kids, husbands, friends and neighbors! We'll be meeting at the trail head of the River Parkway at 7:00 pm.  Please park in the parking lot to avoid damage to your cars. The parking lot is on Hwy 89 on the right (west) side of the road.  Walk the trail at your own pace, and enjoy the beauties of the world and the society of others.  The trail is a total of 1.7 miles, so feel free to turn around at any time. Afterward, at 8:00 pm, we will meet back at the Gilberts house for cobbler and ice cream.  It'll be yummy!
-July 24th: The annual Stake Pioneer Day Breakfast at the Willow Valley Pavilion!  Come enjoy the perfect way to start your Pioneer Day.  Breakfast starts at 7:00 am. After breakfast at 9:00 am there will be a Primary Parade around the stake house so come with your bikes, wagons or scooters decked out in the best Pioneer decoration you've got.  It's always fun!
-July 25th: The Sunday lesson is from the May 2010 Ensign, the talk is "Our Duty.." by Elder Hales

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