
Week of Oct. 12th.

Thursday, Oct. 15: Enrichment activity at the church from 7-8 pm.  It will be about how to organize your house!  Come learn tips to keep your house in order. We will also have the super saturday craft sign-ups out for you to look at!!

Saturday, Oct. 17: Primary Sacrament program practice, at the church from 9-10 am.  Please practice with your kids their parts and have them come to the practice and the program!

Sunday, Oct. 18: Primary Program during Sacrament Meeting!!  R.S. Lesson- Joseph Smith Lesson #42: Family, the sweetest union for time and for eternity.

Super Saturday: We only have 2 Sundays left to sign up for the crafts!  Take a look at the post Super Saturday and Super Saturday Update to look at all the crafts available and then sign up on Sunday or contact someone in the RS presidency or Enrichment committee.  There will be plenty of other things to do besides crafts so make sure you write the day down on your calendar and come!


Lael said...

When do we need to pay for the Super Saturday crafts, and who do we pay?

LE said...

Pay Kaylynn for most of the crafts (cash please) by Nov. 1
Mindi needs to be paid (cash please) for the watches, bracelets and vinyl boards by Nov. 1