
May 19th 2013 Lesson Summary

DiAnne Casperson gave the Lesson from the Teachings of Lorenzo Snow Lesson 10 "Come into the Temples"
         Soon after President Snow's baptism he attending meetings in the Kirtland Temple. There, with the Prophet Joseph Smith and other church leaders, he received great spiritual blessings. In his journal he reported: "There we had the gift of prophecy-- the gift of tongues--the interpretation of tongues--visions and marvelous dreams were related--the singing of heavenly choirs was heard, and wonderful manifestations of the healing power, through the administrations of the Elders were witnessed.

         Lorenzo loved the Kirtland Temple, knowing that "The Son of God, in His glory, had honored it with His royal presence." He said "No language can describe my feelings," when, for the first time, I stood up in one of the pulpits to address an audience-- a pulpit on the breastwork of which, only a short time before, this holy Personage stood---'His hair as white as pure snow, his eyes as a flame of fire'-- where also Moses, Elias and Elijah, came and committed the keys of their dispensations to Joseph Smith."

          Many years later, on April 6, 1892 President Lorenzo Snow stood before another gathering, this time in front of the almost-completed Salt Lake Temple. About 40,000 Latter-day Saints crowded into the enclosure surrounding Temple Square, and about 10,000 more " occupied the tops of houses and places from which a view could be obtained. They had gathered for a ceremony in which the capstone would be secured on the temple's highest spire. Later that day the angel Moroni was placed on the capstone. 

          Lorenzo was assigned by the First Presidency to lead the Saints in the Hosanna Shout. As the Temple capstone moved securely into its position. The scene that followed is beyond the power of language to describe. The President of the Twelve, Apostle Lorenzo Snow, came forward and led Saints in shouting in concert. "Each shout was accompanied by the waving of white handkerchiefs. . . The eyes of thousands were moistened with tears in the fullness of their joy. The ground seemed to tremble with the volume of sound which sent forth its echoes to the surrounding hills. The hosannas had scarce ceased when the vast congregation burst forth in the glorious inspirational hymn, "The Spirit of God like a fire is burning." 

            Exactly one year later, on April 6, 1893 President Woodruff dedicated the Salt Lake Temple the Saints had labored 40 years to complete it, and President Snow was called to serve as the first president of that temple. He fulfilled this calling until he became President of the Church in September 1898.

            In temples we learn of the marvelous blessings God has prepared for the faithful. . . He has prepared everything for the Latter-day Saints that they could possibly wish or imagine in order to effect their complete happiness throughout the vast eternities. We have learned that, in temples, we are able to form ties which are not dissolved at death, but which reach into eternity; sacred ties which bind families together for time and eternity.

            "In temples we receive the ordinances of exaltation in behalf of our kindred dead. We did not come into this world accidentally. We came for a special purpose, and it was undoubtedly through certain arrangements in the other life where we dwelt that we came into this life. It is within the Temples that we are accomplishing a great work in reference to our kindred dead." 

            "Now, it should be an object in every man's and woman,s mind to come into our Temples and to perform this labor. It is a great labor, and an important one, too. When we go back into the other life and find our dead love ones living there, if we have not performed the labor that is necessary for their exaltation and glory we shall not feel very happy and it will not be a very pleasant meeting."
            This work has got to be accomplished before the Son of Man can come and receive His kingdom to present it to His Father.
Thank you, DiAnne, for this up lifting lesson.

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