
Oct. 26th- SOO much going on!!

  • Dinner Groups: If you signed up to be in dinner group for this week, you should have received a call about the day and time, if not... call Kaylynn or leave a message here and we'll let you know!  It'll be fun to meet new people and to have a yummy meal!
  • Visiting Teaching: Only a few days left for visiting teaching, the sisters you're visiting need your love and messages.  So don't forget to go see them and wish them a Happy Halloween, and then report to your supervisor!
  • Help needed: We are still in need of Holiday traditions/memories to put in the November Common Bond.  PLEASE email le.tigerlily@gmail.com by Wednesday night, a tradition you have, it doesn't need to be long (few sentences) but we do want to hear from you!  Help us fill out the sheet!!
  • Halloween: Please have a safe and spooky night!
  • Daylight Savings: Daylight savings time ends at 2 am on Sunday, so don't forget to catch an extra hour of sleep!  Yay!!  And we hope your kids sleep in an hour too.
  • Super Saturday: Sunday will be the last day to sign up for any crafts. It's also the day we need you to pay either Kaylynn or Mindi (in cash, please). Super Saturday will be a week from Saturday (Nov. 7) and it is going to be a great day for socializing, learning new things, and of course, eating yummy food!  Make sure it's on your calendar!

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