Sarah Bodrero gave lesson #11 "I Seek Not Mine Own Will, but the Will of the Father."
On March 31, 1899, President Lorenzo Snow traveled to Brigham Young Academy where Latter-day Saints had gathered to commemorate his 85th birthday. As part of the afternoon meeting, 23 children "marched upon the rostrum, and facing President Snow, sang two songs . . . , after which each child presented the President with a bouquet of flowers." President Snow expressed his gratitude to the children and pronounced a blessing upon them. Then eight Brigham Young Academy students came to the stand, one at a time. They presented a carefully prepared tribute to the prophet. In response to these words of affection and admiration, President Snow said some words of gratitude. In part he said:
"It is the Lord that you honor when you honor me and my counselors and the Quorum of the Twelve. We have discovered that a long time since, every one of us, that of ourselves we could do nothing. Only as far as we followed that principle which Jesus followed when He was in the world has success followed our efforts; and it will be so with you."
President Snow taught: "The Church has passed through very strange experiences, and the people have made great sacrifices.... and as a people there has been no failure. Why has there been no failure? Because the people, as a whole, have had their minds fixed upon the true principles of life, and they have conformed to their duty.... The people generally have had the Spirit of the Lord, and have followed it. Hence there has been no failure. So it may be with individuals. There is a course for every person to pursue in which there will be no failure. It will apply to temporal as well as spiritual matters. The Lord has given us the keyword in these verses from the Doctrine and Covenants:"
"If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you, and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things. Therefore sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God."[D&C 88: 67-68.]
"We have been called to act in God's name, and we acknowledge His hand in all the good we do. We came into the world for a great purpose, the same as Jesus, our elder brother, to do the will and works of our Father; in this there is peace, joy and happiness, an increase of wisdom, knowledge and the power of God; outside of this there are no promised blessings."
"Thus let us devote ourselves to righteousness, help each and all to be better and happier; do good to all and evil to none; honor God and obey His Priesthood.
Cultivate and preserve an enlightened conscience and follow the Holy Spirit; faint not, hold fast to what is good, endure to the end and your cup of joy shall be full even to overflowing, for great shall be your reward for your trials and your sufferings, our God will give you a crown of unfading glory."
Thank you, Sarah, for the sweet spirit you brought to the lesson, we are going to miss you and your cute family. Good luck in our life and may God bless you.