
Stake Conference May 4-5, 2013

Stake Conference will be held May 4-5, 2013

Adult Session:  Saturday May 4, 6:00 pm held at the 15th 16th ward building (125 W 600 N) for all adults 18 years and over.

Priesthood Leadership Session:  Sunday May 5, 7:30 am  held at the 15th 16th ward building (125 W 600 N) for all ward and stake Priesthood leaders.

Youth Session:  Sunday May 5, 9:30 am held at the 15th 16th ward building (125 W 600 N) for youth ages 12-17

General Session:  Sunday, May 5 1:00 held at the Logan Tabernacle (50 North Main Street)  for all members


Good News!

Congratulations to the James' family. Their family will be sealed together this Saturday, April 27th at 1:30pm.

New Opportunities to Serve!

Last Sunday our much loved second counselor in the Relief Society Presidency, Lianne McCoy, was released and given a new calling for which she was very needed by the Lord.  DiAnne Casperson was sustained and set apart as our new second counselor and Lianne was sustained and set apart as the Ward Family History Specialist.  I can tell you firsthand that Lianne worked tirelessly in behalf of the presidency and the sisters in the ward. She loves all of you and prays for you often. Lianne will be very misssed.
I would like to welcome DiAnne to our presidency. She brings a solid testimony and love of Christ and the His gospel. I am looking forward to working with her.    

With much love, President Kim Nydegger.

Lesson Summary April 21, 2013

Lesson Summary:
Jan Wimmer gave the lesson from chapter # 8, "Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart."
In Dec. 15 1899 Pres. Lorenzo Snow spoke at a funeral of Pres. Franklin D. Richards. President Snow he ask the Lord of Israel to bless the Latter-day Saints,  that we may be prepared for the events of the near future, with our hearts right before the Lord. Illustrating the need to keep "Our hearts right before the Lord," Pres. Snow told of an experience he and Pres. Richards shared in the 1850s, when they were new Apostles.
"When President Brigham Young called upon the people to repent and reform, and renew their commitment to righteous living. He talked very strongly as to what ought to be done with some people--that their Priesthood ought to be taken from them, because of their failure to magnify it as they should have done. Well, it  touched Brother Franklin's heart, and it touched mine also; and we talked the matter over to ourselves. We concluded we would go to President Young and offer him our Priesthood. If he felt in the name of the Lord that we had not magnified our Priesthood, we would resign it. We went to him, saw him alone , and told him this. There were tears in his eyes when he said, " Brother Lorenzo, Brother Franklin, you have magnified your Priesthood satisfactorily to the Lord. God bless you."
         If we have established a proper character, we can confidently invite God to search our hearts.  There are those among us who are recognized as members of this Church who take a vast amount of pains to be favorably known by those around them, but whose real character, or the inwardness so to speak, of such people, is veiled or disguised.
"..... Now this prayer that I [refer] to is very significant:  'Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.' - [Psalm 139:23-24]. It was a prayer that David in the principal course of his live could conscientiously and with a degree of confidence offer up to the Lord. But there were times when David would feel the faltering sensation of weakness in offering up a prayer of this kind."
 "I have reason to believe that many of the Latter-day Saints, during a great portion of their lives, could approach the Lord in all confidence and make this same prayer. But if we, as a people, could live so as to be able at all times to bow before the Lord and offer up a prayer like this, what a delightful thing it would be."
. . . . We must be true men and true women; we must have faith largely developed, and we must be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost to aid us in the work of rightesness all the day long, to enable us to sacrifice our own will to the will of the Father, to battle against our fallen nature, and to do right for the love of doing right, keeping our eye single to the honor and glory of God.
          It is important that we, as Latter-day Saints, should understand that the idea is not to do good because of the praise of men; but to do good because in doing good we develop godliness within us, and this being the case we shall become allied to godliness, which will in time become part and portion of our being.
         As we preserve our righteous character, we draw nearer to the Lord. Our character, as Latter-day Saints, should be preserved, at whatever cost or sacrifice. Character, approved of God is worth securing, even at the expense of a life-time of constant self-denial. While thus living we may look forward with full assurance that we shall be crowned with the sons and daughters of God, and possess the wealth and glory of a Celestial Kingdom.
We want to thank Jan wonderful lesson. 


May Enrichment Meeting

Our May Enrichment meeting will be held on Thursday May 16 at 7:00 pm at the church. This meeting will be a humanitarian service project. We will be learning about and making sanitary kits for girls in Africa. A member of the church from Corinne will be coming to speak to us about this project. If you are interested in checking it out before hand you can check out their website.  We will need some yards of flannel fabric donated so if you have any sitting around or are willing to donate please contact Leanne McCoy for details!  Hope to see you there!


Lesson Summary from April 14, 2013

Lesson Summary: Our new teacher Sarah Bodrero gave a wonderful lesson from chapter #7, Faithfulness in Time of Trial: "From the Shadows into the Glorious Sunshine" In the lesson President Snow opened with an account of an experience during the time the saints were traveling to the Salt Lake Valley, and through the lesson he give councel concerning our trials. In February 1846 the Latter-day Saints were forces to leave their homes in Nauvoo, Illinois. As they prepared to make the trek west to their new promised land, they followed President Brigham Young's counsel to establish settlements along the way. They lived in temporary shelters and planted crops for the Saints who would follow them. Several months after arriving in Mount Pisgah, Iowa, Lorenzo Snow was called to preside over the settlement. "By this time," he later recorded, "the Saints in Pisgah were in a very destitute condition. Several families were entirely out of provision, and dependent on the charity of their neighbors. But, above all this, a sweeping sickness had visited the settlement, and death followed in the wake, and fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters and dearest friends fell victims to the destroyer. Lorenzo knew these trials firsthand. He and his family experienced sickness, disappointments, and heartache, including the death of their newborn daughter, Leonora. He wrote, "With deep sorrow we bore her remains to their silent resting place, to be left alone, far from her father and the mother who gave her birth." Under these circumstances, Lorenzo helped the Saints face their trials with faith. When Satan asked Eve to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he told her her eyes would be opened and she would know good from evil. She asked, "Is there no other way?" For God's children to obtain knowledge and wisdom, there is no other way but through trials and tribulations. Our trials help us improve spiritually and prepare for celestial glory. God designed that it should be so. "I daresay that in the [pre-mortal] spirit world, when it was proposed to us to come into this probation, and pass through the experience that we are now receiving, it was not altogether pleasant and agreeable; the prospects were not so delightful in all respects as might have been desired. Yet there is no doubt that we saw and understood clearly there that, in order to accomplish our exaltation and glory, this was a necessary experience; and however disagreeable it might have appeared to us, we were willing to conform to the will of God, and consequently we are here." There is no other way in which God's children can make spiritual improvement and be prepared for an inheritance in the celestial kingdom than through tribulation. The Lord strengthens us and increases us in our growth. Like an infant, when he grows up, he knows not how he received gradual strength and the manner in which he increased in stature. Such is our growth in regard to our spiritual advancement. We feel stronger today than we did a year ago. Some things we have to learn by that which we suffer, and knowledge secured in that way, though the process may be painful, will be of great value. He will try us, and continue to try us, in order that He may place us in the highest positions in life and put upon us the most sacred responsibilities. When we remain faithful during trials and temptations, we show that we love God more than we love the world. As we remain faithful, the Lord strengthens us to overcome temptations and endure trials. "I feel, my brethren and sisters, to exhort you with heartfelt expression. Be of good cheer--be not disheartened; for assuredly the day rapidly comes when your tears shall be dried, your hearts comforted, and you shall eat of the products of your labors." ". . . I know that your lives have not been all sunshine; you have doubtless passed through many tribulation; but by continued integrity you will soon emerge from the shadows into the glorious sunshine of the celestial world." Sisters were invited to share some trials they have experienced. These testimonies from the sisters we know and love strengthen all of us as we share each other's burdens through listening and service. We thank you. And thank you so much, Sarah, for that wonderful Lesson.


Rebecca's Dip Recipes

We had lots of requests for the recipes for the dips that were served at our Relief Society gardening night. Rebecca Cashman was the one who made those dips so a big thank you to her! She was willing to share her recipes so here they are. Ranch Dressing Mix This is a dry mix you keep on hand and mix when you need some dip or salad dressing 1 C. dried minced onions, 7 Tbs. parsley flakes, 4 Tbs. sea salt, 1 Tbs. garlic powder, For Dip: mix 1 Tbs. dry mix to 1 C. sour cream or yogurt For Salad Dressing: mix 2 Tbs. dry mix to 1 C. mayo and 1 C. butter milk Dill Dip 2 C. mayo, 2 C. sour cream, 1 Tbs. dried parsley, 3 Tbs. dried minced onion, 3 Tbs. dried dill, 1 1/2 Tbs. season salt, Mix all ingredients together, cover and refrigerate over night.


Announcements for April & May 2013

Here are a few announcements for April and part of May 2013

April  28 -     Loye Painter: Conference Talk "The First Great Commandment"
April 28   Fast Sunday
April 14    Relief Society lesson #7  "Faithfulness in Times of Trial:  "From the Shadows into the Glorious Sunshine"  will be taught by Sarah Bodrero

May 2     2:00 - 7:00 pm Stake Blood Drive at the Willow Valley Building (825 N. 200 W.)  Sign up sheets will be sent around in Priesthood and Relief Society

May 4-5   Stake Conference

May 18    9:00 am  "Protecting Children and Families from Pornography"  workshop at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake.  Contact Kim Nydegger for more information