
Last week in April

It's the last week in April, and we have a few activities coming up, you've seen them previewed for awhile now and now it's time to actually get to do these activities!! yay!!

  • April 29- Thursday there will be a Relief Society Networking Night.  This will be at the church at 7:00 pm and will be for anyone who is looking to connect with other women who have similar interests.  Whether you're interested in sports, family history, sewing, cooking, scrapbooking, reading, or walking we'll be getting groups together to do community activities.  Come meet new people who have the same interests as you, it'll be a springboard to more socializing and having fun.  There will be games and refreshments after we learn about networking.
    • Community Activity- this is a grouping of women who have similar interests and meet together to share and learn from each other.  While these activities are anounced in Relief Society and here on the blog, they are not run by the Relief Society, they are run by those who are interested in that subject.  We want a way to get everyone involved with the activities they enjoy and to know who else enjoys those activities.
    • Community Activity Button- Did you notice the new buttons on the top of the blog?  After Thursday those buttons will actually work. :)  You can click on the "Community Activity" button and get a listing of what activities are going around in our neighborhoods.  So check it out so you don't miss an activity you'd be interested it!!
  • April 29- Women's Futsal Game at the 15/16 bldg at 8:30 pm come help our team win!!
  • May 1-2 Stake Conference.  The adult evening session will be in the 15/16 bldg at 7:00 pm.  The Sunday session will be at the Tabernacle at 10:00 am.  Make sure you come to see who the new Stake President and show them your support.
Family Cannery- In May the Ogden Cannery is letting families (aged 16 and older) make appointments to can Cooked Chicken (14.4 oz can), the cost is $1.65/can or for a case of 24 cans $39.60 (limit of 4).  At this time they do not accept debit or credit cards.  Also, the USDA will not allow you to take the cans home that day, there is a waiting period so when you're done canning the Cannery will give you a pick up date.  Call the Cannery at 801-399-3723 to make an appointment for your family.  The dates and times they have available are:
  • Tuesday - Thursday
    • May 11-13
    • May 18-20
    • May 25-27
  • Shifts:
    • 8:00 am - 10:30 am
    • 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
    • 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
    • 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Keeping you posted for the week of April 18

This week:
  • April 22- Women's futsal (indoor soccer) is playing at the 15/16 bldg at 7:30 pm come help us win!
  • April 24- Saturday there is a beaded watch activity (this is a community activity, read below for more info on what a community activity is!).  If you're interested in learning or making beaded watchbands come hang out with us!  If you want to go to Beadles and get help picking out the perfect beads, meet at Lori's house (email of if you need directions) at 1:00 pm.  We'll carpool to the store and each get our own beads.  If you already have the beads, you just need help organizing and putting them together meet at Celia's house at 2:00 pm. 
  • April 25- It's fast Sunday because of Stake Conference next week. The Relief Society lesson will be from the Nov. 2009 Ensign talk by Pres. Uchdorf "Two Principles for Any Economy".
Next week:
  • April 29- Thursday there will be a Relief Society Networking Night.  This will be at the church at 7:00 pm and will be for anyone who is looking to connect with other women who have similar interests.  Whether you're intrested in sports, family history, sewing, cooking, scrapbooking, reading, or walking we'll be getting groups together to do community activities.  Come meet new people who have the same interests as you, it'll be a springboard to more socializing and having fun.  There will be games and refreshements after we learn about networking.
    • Community Activity- this is a grouping of women who have similar interests and meet together to share and learn from each other.  While these activities are anounced in Relief Society and here on the blog, they are not run by the Relief Society, they are run by those who are interested in that subject.  We want a way to get everyone involved with the activities they enjoy and to know who else enjoys those activities.
  • May 1-2 Stake Conference.  The adult evening session will be in the 15/16 bldg at 7:00 pm.  The Sunday session will be at the Tabernacle at 10:00 am.  Make sure you come to see who the new Stake President and Stake Relief Society Presidency are and show them your support.

Stk RS Mtg this week!

This week is the Stake Relief Society Meeting!  There is a program of both speakers and musical, with refreshments after.  Well worth your time, it will be spectacular!  Sunday dress please.  Invitation below, in case you lost yours or need an address. :)  Click on the picture to get a larger image and use your browser's back button to return to the blog.
April 18th (Sun): Relief Society/Priesthood lesson: Gospel Principles #8- Praying to Our Heavenly Father
April 18th (Sun): There is a ward fireside for everyone.  It will be held at the church house at 7:00 pm and will be on the Book of Mormon by Prof. Shaffer.  See invitation below. Click on image for a larger view, and use your browsers back button to return to blog.
 Events Coming up:
  • April 22nd (Thur): Women's Futsal game at 7:30 pm.  Come to the 15/16 bldg and help our ward gain a victory! 
  • April 24th (Sat): There is a YW 25th Anniversary of Personal Progress Seminar at the Logan Institute.  If you have YW aged girls, please support the YW by having them come.  It will be a uplifting, and wonderful morning.  The seminar is at the Logan Institute from 9 am to 1 pm  Meet at the church by 8:45 to carpool up to the Institute. 
  • April 25th (Sun): Fast Sunday, the following week will be Stake Conference so we're having fast Sunday early. 
  • April 29th (Thur): Ward Relief Society Meeting:  This activity will be a smorgasbord of activities.  It will be a night to network with other women who have similar interests.  It will be at 7 pm at the church house.  Don't forget it!  It'll be the perfect night to get to know more people who have similar interests you do!
  • May 1-2 (Sat/Sun): Stake Conference.  Saturday will be the adult session at 7 pm and on Sunday the session will be for everyone.  We will be getting a new Stake President so make sure you come show your support!


Week of April 5-10

  • April 8 (Thur): Ward Temple night is the 6:30 pm Session, you'll need to meet in the Temple chapel before 6:30 pm.  There is a nursery provided from 6:00 pm at the church house.
  • April 11 (Sun): Relief Society/Priesthood Lesson: Gospel Principles #7: The Holy Ghost
  • April 15th (Thur): Stake Relief Society Meeting: There is going to be a program and speakers, refreshments will be served after wards. It will be well worth your time, so make sure you mark it on the calendar
  • April 25th (Sun): Fast Sunday, the following week will be Stake Conference so we're having fast Sunday early.
  • May 1-2 (Sat/Sun): Stake Conference

April Calendar

You can click on the calendar for a larger view, then use your browser's back button to return to the blog.